Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel

Church at 590 Hancock Road, Bullhead City, AZ 86442

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Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel rating

☆   (4 reviews)

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Working hours of
Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel

Closed now.
Tomorrow: 10:00 am - 11:30 am 06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 11:30 am
06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Tuesday 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
Wednesday 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
07:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
Friday 09:00 am - 02:00 pm

Vacancy Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel (jobs):

Coming soon


Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel photos

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Last reviews about Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel
in Bullhead City, AZ

Please add your review. Your comments help to get feedback and an honest opinion about the Bullhead Christian Center DBA Praise Chapel.
Thanks to the reviews, other people are able to learn of mistakes or read of the warmth and delight of your gratitude. Please keep your comments--whether praise or criticism--kind and appropriate. This is not the place to ask questions, or post contact information. Inappropriate language, off-topic or duplicate comments, names of individuals criticised, phone numbers, etc will be X'd out or removed, according to the moderator's notice and discretion. Thank you for your comments and participation!

  • Praise Chapel is an awesome church family that loves the Lord Jesus and one another. Glad to be part of God's family.

    Added June 11, 2017 by Gary Harmon
  • I want to thank Pastor Cates and all he has done for so many. A Pastor's job is a hard job and if you ever want to meet a Pastor who is deeply in love with Jesus, go meet Pastor Cates. He surely will reap his rewards in heaven. Thank you Pastor!

    Added May 21, 2017 by Glen Wegener
  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    It is a shameful disgrace for any member of the clergy to VIOLATE the confidentiality of anyone's private issues. Yes, yes, this is not a Catholic church, however no Pastor should EVER treat anyone's prayer request (confession) to a lesser degree of confidentiality than a Catholic Confession Session.
    What ever happened to Ethics, Integrity, Trust, Honor, and all the Moral Precepts that Christianity is founded upon.
    Shame on you for trying to bully the complainant from their veil of privacy.
    Privacy is not Secrecy.
    You shoulod do 50 "Hell Mary's" and 75 "Our Father's" buy a few candles and give another $50 to the basket, for your shameful comments about the poor victim.
    Why victimize and publicise when someone comes to ask for help?
    WHY does it have to be a shame game?
    May God forgive you for not having the creative sprirt to write an original sermon.
    like this...
    With losers and haters filling our pulpits with this venemous drivel, it is no wonder that so man hurting souls are turning to Islam!!!
    Let's take back our church from the false prophets before it is too late!!!

    Added March 27, 2017 by Charles Manson
  • ☆ ☆

    It's ok they just built a new bigger better building in front of the old building but on here they didn't put 'under changes/ construction' or anything! Went this Tuesday and got turned away, they turned away one of my other fam members a day later and me again today ! They told me the 1st day I got sent away the NEXT day they would be open.... we live probably 5$ -20/25 minutes away from hancock. Pissed me off!

    Added January 17, 2017 by Raymond Ross
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